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All is fair in love and… an MBA programme?

Can love conquer all? Only if someone made coffee and remembered to call Mr. Delivery, it seems. Three couples share their stories of doing the Henley MBA together.

Some couples go hiking or have date nights, but Preshima and Kamlesh Kanjee like to study together. During their 20-year marriage, they have done three courses together, the last being the demanding Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Henley Business School South Africa. “It may look like a hobby for us,” laughs Preshima. “But we do share a passion for education and professional improvement, and this has always been a priority for us.”


Kamlesh admits that when Preshima said she wanted to do an MBA, he didn’t jump at the idea initially. He is the more structured and organised of the two and knew how much pressure it would put on them. But the couple did their research and saw that Henley was very accommodating and family-orientated, allowing students flexibility around study schedules and assignments and this convinced him to take another study jump with his partner.  


“It wasn’t always easy,” admits Kamlesh. “But looking back, it was the best thing we could have done for our relationship, really bringing us closer and uniting us on a common goal. We have grown stronger as a couple.”   


This may seem hard to believe for anyone who knows how demanding the MBA programme is – the heavy workload and the long hours of study that are required. Not to mention the all-nighters… surely that would put stress on even the most harmonious of relationships?


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Of course, says Samiksha Singh, who also did a Henley MBA with her husband Revon. “We had to find the balance between our academic and personal lives and Mr Delivery came in very handy!”


Both professionals in demanding work roles, Samiksha says it was important to look hard at their priorities and cut down on unnecessary activities. “It was the best thing we could have done, to do the MBA together. It brought us closer in a way, as we got to navigate the new challenges together, celebrating successes together and supporting each other through the bad days too.”


Revon and Samishka Singh


It helps to have some healthy competition too, it appears. Arisa Sohun Samjowan says, “There is nothing more motivating than realising that your partner is further ahead than you with an assignment!”


Arisa and husband Cintesh completed their Henley MBA in 2024. The couple have four children and had various health issues and other complications – including the flooding of their house during the KZN flooding in 2022 – while doing the MBA. At the same time, both had serious work responsibilities as electronic and electrical engineers respectively – yet were able to make their studies work. 


“It allows you to get to know each other in pleasantly surprising ways. Having a study buddy right next to you trumps having to bounce things off someone in your group most of the time,” says Arisa. “It actually made the journey much easier, emotionally as well, you know they say misery loves company! So having someone suffering to meet an assignment deadline just like you is quite comforting!”


But before signing up your partner to do an MBA with you this Valentine’s Day, perhaps consider Kamlesh Kanjee’s advice. “Doing an MBA together is a great idea, but only if both individuals are aligned on their goals and able to support the other. If only you or she/he is committed, it could create more tension! If you as a couple struggle with stress management, think twice!”  




Still keen? Then Henley does seem to be the place for it. All three couples mention the support they received and the flexibility of the programme as playing major roles in their successful studies.


Cintesh says, “As professionals, we came into the MBA with a lot of pride and wanted to do things ourselves to prove our capability, but in hindsight, we should have humbled ourselves earlier and scheduled time to use the academic support available at Henley. If anything, it saves time and boosts your achievement.”

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