2020 could be your year of plenty – if you’re up for it
It’s big picture thinking for small business or, if you like, streetwise entrepreneurship for creative businesses. This September, Henley Business...
The award-winning Henley Business School, internationally triple-accredited, is recognised as one of the best business schools in the world for incubating business leaders for the past 75 years. In thanks and recognition of service given by frontline Healthcare workers in SA during COVID-19, Henley Africa is offering a number of full-fee scholarships, each worth R60,000,…
The award-winning Henley Business School, internationally triple-accredited, is recognised as one of the best business schools in the world for incubating business leaders for the past 75 years.
In thanks and recognition of service given by frontline Healthcare workers in SA during COVID-19, Henley Africa is offering a number of full-fee scholarships, each worth R60,000, for the Higher Certificate in Management Practice HCMP (NQF Level 5) for a limited time.
Our Hidden Healthcare Heroes scholarship is designed to allow nominations of deserving candidates demonstrated exceptional service during the covid crisis and who may not have had access to opportunities beyond high school. They must have the will and potential to impact their communities and/or society at large. We firmly believe that better management practice will substantially improve our ability to bounce back, why not gift it to those who have shown such selflessness in crisis?
We call on you to nominate deserving candidates today, and we will be in touch to assist with this process.
This programme is for aspiring managers wanting to strengthen their business acumen and personal mastery, through action learning applied to relevant issues in their roles and in the workplace.
You will thrive in this programme, if you want to advance your:
This is no ordinary Higher Certificate. This is an opportunity to declare your intention of walking a path of continuous learning and value creation. The study is part time basis with online classrooms. Entry requirement is matric pass and a minimum of two years’ work experience. It is open to all ages.
Please contact Nisa Philander nisap@henleysa.ac.za to apply.
• Henley Business School Africa is a leading global business school with campuses in Europe, Asia and Africa. It holds elite triple international accreditation; has the number 1 business school alumni network in the world for potential to network (Economist 2017); and is the number 1 African-accredited and -campused business school in the world for executive education (FT 2018, 2020), as well as the number 1 MBA business school in South Africa as rated by corporate SA (PMR.Africa 2018, 2019, 2020).
It’s big picture thinking for small business or, if you like, streetwise entrepreneurship for creative businesses. This September, Henley Business...
18th June 2021, Johannesburg, South Africa. HENLEY Business School Africa is the highest ranked business school campus in Africa in the inaugural...
HENLEY Business School Africa will be conferring degrees and diplomas on a record number of graduates later this month – in a virtual ceremonies that...
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