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Can Mindfulness Improve Business? – Gelong Thubten

Put away your preconceived notions of what this is and have a listen – you’ll be surprised by what you learn.

Put away your preconceived notions of what this is and have a listen – you’ll be surprised by what you learn.


Can Mindfulness Improve Business?

A Henley Intelligence podcast featuring Buddhist Monk, Gelong Thubten.

He and Jon discuss:

  • Mental focus, emotional control, productivity in the workplace
  • Why mindfulness actually works
  • Overcoming previous meditation failures
  • The science backed benefits of the practice.





Bring More Of Yourself To Work Through Mindfulness

During this #HenleyAfrica conversation between Buddhist Monk, Gelong Thubten, and Dean of Henley Business School – Africa, Jon Foster-Pedley, explores the relationship between mindfulness and meditation, and increased profitability of our businesses

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