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Reimagining South Africa – Dr Mamphela Ramphele

Dr Mamphela Ramphele and Jon Foster-Pedley discuss race, pain, acknowledgement and forgiveness

Reimagining South Africa

A Henley Intelligence podcast featuring South African politician, a former activist against apartheid, a medical doctor, an academic and businesswoman, Dr Mamphela Ramphele.


Jon and Dr Ramphele talk:


  • Failed “borrowed” systems
  • Race, pain, acknowledgement and forgiveness
  • Political will
  • Unity, and more.

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The Conversation

What do we have to do to finally realise our potential as a nation?

“We are at a pivotal moment in our history. We have all the ingredients for success. The choice is ours – whether we recommit to re-imagining our country into the great society it can become, or continue to hesitate at the threshold of a new, brighter future.”

Dr Mamphela Ramphele and Jon Foster-Pedley discuss what this means and what must be done in order to achieve our incredible potential. Don’t miss this important conversation.



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