Charting a course for an African MBA with international reach
Jon Foster-Pedley is dean and director of Henley Business School, Africa and vicechair of SABSA. Jon has turned his wide-ranging skills and airforce...
JoburgToday TV spoke to dean Jon Foster-Pedley about re-skilling yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic and how critical this is. Watch the interview here
JoburgToday TV spoke to dean Jon Foster-Pedley about re-skilling yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic and how critical this is.
Jon Foster-Pedley is dean and director of Henley Business School, Africa and vicechair of SABSA. Jon has turned his wide-ranging skills and airforce...
Johannesburg: A snap poll across Henley Business School’s social media community hints that South Africans are becoming pandemic fatigued. As the...
For just over a year now, Henley Business School Africa has been busy training filmmakers across the continent, 60 of them in fact, drawn from 13...
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