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The Evolution Of Education

Joseph Gerassi, Exec. Head of Redhill, joins our #HenleyAfrica Dean, Jon Foster-Pedley, for this fascinating conversation around the evolution of education.

Joseph Gerassi, Executive Head of Redhill, joins Henley Business School Dean, Jon Foster-Pedley, for this fascinating conversation around the evolution of education and the incredible results Gerassi and his team are seeing as they break new ground in a sector in South Africa that has seen little to no true innovation and growth.

During this show you will learn:

  • How schools are using outdated teaching methods
  • Why high school students become so disengaged
  • What the role of technology in education is
  • How “NO homework” and “NO prize-giving” is restoring the desire for learning
  • And more.

Our guests and experts in the Henley Business Radio studio this week:

  • Joseph Gerassi, Executive Head of Redhill School


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