Introduction to Digitisation: Stabilise. Assess. Pivot. Grow
Introduction to Digitisation: Stabilise. Assess. Pivot. Grow
The complexity of our social and business worlds had clashed with digital opportunities and the need to satisfy several generations in our workforce.
Hosted by Prof. Eddie Obeng – Professor, Founder and Learning Director
Ancient history tells us that in the time before the pandemic many of us were already looking to change. Increased complexity of our social and business worlds had clashed with digital opportunities and the need to satisfy several generations in our workforce. We had big global challenges; the destruction of the living ecosystem by plastic waste, ways to ensure opportunity and fulfilment for all, and much more.
Even then we knew that just change would not be enough. Many of us had begun to look to Transformation. Some replaced the world ‘change’ on websites with ‘transformation ‘ assuming it was just a fashionable way to say ‘change’. No. A butterfly is not just a caterpillar with wings! Transformation is a caterpillar with caterpillar mindset, skills, organisation and reporting structures leaving those behind to become butterfly. Butterflies have a different mind-set, competence set and process. Caterpillar CEOs can’t describe or explain a butterfly vision – You must plunge into the unknown and learn your way to success.
Transformation takes you beyond what you currently imagine. Change is just a fatter caterpillar.
After the shock of covid we adapted to for continuity. And we must be proud of the adaptations, learning and solutions we created. But they were aimed at continuity and not Transformation. Job Reset is a chance for us to look at the real opportunity. The opportunity to transform for a better future.
In his master-class Professor Obeng will answer many questions you have including:
Eddie will begin by sharing some of the ‘universal laws’ he has researched an discovered during his 30 year teaching career. For example, you will already be aware that “One Change Leads to another” but what are the implications for you in your vision and transformation journey. you must understand these laws because otherwise you will create visions that deliver damage instead of success in the longer term. He will show you how to be bold curious and effective in thinking about these big challenges and then engaging them . He will use concrete examples to illustrate the learning points and provide you with a set of concrete Personal Effectiveness Tools (PETs) for you to take away and use in your transformation.
In preparation for the Masterclass –
Introduction Eddie Obeng: Smart failure for a fast-changing world | TED Talk
On diversity and inclusion: How to Create an Inclusive and Profitable New Normal for your wide and Diverse Talent | Eddie Obeng’s blog (
On economic challenges/productivity Curing the Productivity Problem in our New Covid World: 9 Steps to Bridge the Gap | Eddie Obeng’s blog (
On possible futures: Imagine you knew the future after #covid19- Here they are! | Eddie Obeng’s blog (
Your greatest learning hope for the session or your greatest time wasting fear for the session at
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Imagine a better way in these unprecedented times.
Described by the Financial Times as a ‘leading revolutionary’ and ‘agent provocateur’, Eddie is a professor at the School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Henley Business School, founder and Learning Director of Pentacle The Virtual Business School, and a leading business theorist, innovator and educator.
He is the author of ten books including two Financial Times bestsellers and the ever popular All Change! Eddie writes on a wide range of subjects connected by the themes of adapting for change, leadership, innovation and organisation. His books offer insights into the most effective ways to address the rapidly-changing, disruptive environments in business, society and culture today. His writing and teaching and concepts have been incorporated in 40% of the FT100.
Known as a pioneer in digital transformation, design thinking and organisational agility, he provides a no-nonsense overview about how traditional rules of doing business no longer apply while offering extensive guidance to reach new heights in fast-changing business environments. He is a regular speaker at TED, Thinking Digital, Poptech, Google Zeitgeist, USI, Communitech and Gartner Conferences
Eddie was one of the first to recognise that traditional processes, face-to-face working and software solution add-ons can never deliver solutions needed in a volatile and uncertain globally competitive world. He invented QUBE to solve this. QUBE combines new behaviours in collaboration with tools specifically developed for fast ease of use within a modern productive culture. QUBE has been adopted by a wide range of organsiations including, Danone, JDE, Dentsu Aegis Network and the UK National Health Service for day-to-day working, Project delivery and Learning and Development.
Introduction to Digitisation: Stabilise. Assess. Pivot. Grow
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