Henley alumna Catherine Wijnberg is on a mission to get corporates to do more than just pay lip service to the BEE codes
Henley alumna Catherine Wijnberg is on a mission to get corporates to do more than just pay lip service to the BEE codes.
Henley alumna Catherine Wijnberg is on a mission to get corporates to do more than just pay lip service to the BEE codes.
Times of late have been a bit of a roller-coaster – even by what passes for normal in this country. We emerged from the festive season to a series of...
What is the "factful", hopeful, choice for optimists if we want to put the drama of State Capture behind us?
This week, Bala was appointed channel director for TBN in Africa, one of more than 30 affiliates of Trinity Broadcasting Network – the biggest...
Barry says, “An MBA requires an enormous sacrifice of time and energy. It requires discipline and staying power. This is all very well when your life...
This week, Bala was appointed channel director for TBN in Africa. His job is to lead the team, create content, define strategies and implement it,...
Despite his humble beginnings, Thembalihle Baloyi was crowned last week as Entrepreneur of the Year KEVIN RITCHIE AS YOU drive down Sandton Drive in...
Prospective MBA students put through their paces and taught the value of working as a group.
AS YOU drive down Sandton Drive in Johannesburg you’ll see big billboards. They say simply “Themba has The MBA.”
All Africa Entrepreneur of the Year Thembalihle BaloyiDiscovery Insure, Founder and Executive Director